Wednesday 22 September 2021


There are various types of indexes in SQL server:

  1. Clustered Index
  2. Non-Clustered Index
  3. Column Store Index
  4. Filtered Index
  5. Hash Index
  6. Unique Index

  • Clustered Index
Clustered Index store and sort rows of data in a view or table depending on their central values. There may be an instance of having just one clustered index in each table, as it can empower the client to store data in a solitary request. Clustered index store data in an arranged way, and in this way, at whatever point data is contained in the table in an arranged manner implies it is orchestrated with a clustered index.
  • Non-Clustered Index
It represents a structure, which is isolated from data rows. This types of indexes in SQL server covers the non-clustered key values, and each worth pair has a pointer to the data row that comprises vital significance
  • Column Store Index
  • Filtered Index
  • Hash Index
  • Unique Index